We know and hence we serve better.
Sports & Gaming | Information Technology | Green Energy and EVs | Consumer Electronics | Health and Wellness | Fast Moving Consumer Goods | Unicorn Startups | Hotels, Hospitality, Travel, F&B | Art Galleries, Artists and Photographers | Fashion, Luxury & Lifestyle Brands | Music, Podcast, print and media publications | Celebrities and Influencers | Family Offices
Strategy | Solutions | Support
Our several years of experience in legal practice has helped us develop a deeper understanding of law and to have a practical approach towards client's requirements. We are result oriented lawyers setting new standards in legal profession. Our paper-less setup gives us the freedom to operate from anywhere and at anytime... makes us available and approachable always!
On a regular basis, we are:
Advising clients on corporate laws, intellectual property, employment.
Helping clients with legal compliances such as relating to food safety, data protection, internet laws, and advertising guidelines.
Assisting client with drafting, reviewing and negotiating commercial contracts including essential business agreements, global franchising and licensing arrangements and even family settlements.
Helping clients maintain legal hygiene by conducting corporate, HR and IP due diligence, internal IP and IT auditing, corporate and HR laws related training and workshops.
Representing clients in courts and tribunals, across India and globally through our trusted network of of-counsels. We help clients in strategising dispute resolution process to mitigate even future risks and liabilities.